Friday noon memo, Personal development

Things to remember

Every now and again, I think we should remember where we truly are, what we have achieved and what we still should improve. In the daily routines of never ending news, demands and requests, we tend to forget our true situation and our endless opportunities. 

Here are 7 reminders, purposefully published around Christmas, a time to traditionally stop for a moment and reflect.

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  1. Overall, we live in the best world ever. Almost all indicators for our health, wellbeing, safety, life expectancy, etc. go up constantly (see graph). This truth contradicts the flood of negative news reaching us each and every minute. I’m not denying all the tragedy that is actually happening; however, there has never been a better time in history.
  2. Each of us can change a lot. Yes, we are powerful beyond belief, and today we have more means than ever to make this world a better place. You can reach millions of people in a heartbeat. Each of us in this part of the world can publish books, can speak up, can DO something. How have you made this world better this year?
  3. You are a role model. Yes, each of us acts as a role model for others, whether you like it or not. Which standards do you want to demonstrate to others? It’s always your choice.
  4. Productivity is a duty. I assume you want to do good things, so it’s best you do as much of them as possible. There is nothing brave in wasting time and not being as productive as possible.
  5. We have access to more knowledge than ever in history. Make use of it! Each day, learn and apply. Don’t wait for somebody telling you what to learn. Go ahead and feed your brain! Each day.
  6. We become what we do repeatedly. It’s best you choose habits that positively define you.
  7. Our life is short and limited. It’s best you start doing something meaningful today. “Someday” equals “never”.

Thank you for being a member of my community. I wish you and your beloved ones Happy Holidays!

Culture & Enthusiasm, Friday noon memo, Leadership

Why Mother Teresa and Donald Trump are similar

Yes, I admit that sometimes I choose provocative headlines to grab attention. In fact, what I’m going to write about today has not so much to do with Mother Teresa and not even with Donald Trump. However, there is an interesting connection that you might not think about at first glance, and this connection can be of benefit for your life and business career. 

OK, let’s get to the point: I’m talking about success principles. Both of these iconic leaders (in one or another sense, I am not judging) share the same principles that have made them successful.

The thing is this: If you apply the same principles in your life and in your business, you will increase the likelihood and the scale of your success. 

What is important to understand is that people and businesses are not primarily successful because of WHAT they do, but rather HOW they do it (and even more WHY they do it). 

So, what are the key success principles that both Mother Teresa and Donald Trump share and which you should apply as well? Here we go: 

  1. Clear communication. Both leaders understood or understand how to talk so that people clearly understand their message. Undoubtedly, both would not have a number of followers even close to the actual amount they have if they hadn’t understood how to communicate effectively. Action tip: make your communication clear and crisp. Use images and metaphors. Speak to people with only one goal: that they understand and follow you.
  2. A clear stand. We can argue about their morals or even ethics, however both leaders took or do take a very clear stand in terms of their personality. We know what kind of person Donald Trump is, and so too Mother Teresa. Action tip: write down three characteristics that people should know you for. Then, align your actions accordingly.
  3. Use of media. It is not impossible yet much harder if you deny the use of effective media to get your message spread. If you have ethical goals I would argue that it is even your duty to make yourself heard to make this world a better place (or at least your business). Action tip: study which media you can use more effectively within and outside your organization.

These are all points that you can apply much more effectively with a sparring partner or experienced coach by your side. Click here to find out more about my Leadership & Performance Coaching.